Our Expertise

Our Expertise

DMI believes that employers are more profitable when its employees are productive, healthy and focused on their jobs. Maintaining a productive workforce involves prioritizing and managing key initiatives in Workers’ Compensation; Disability Management and Return to Work; Case Management; Occupational and Employee Health; and Alternative Dispute Resolution (LC §3201.5 & LC§3201.7).

Our unique expertise in these areas allows us to work closely with medical providers in obtaining work limitations which ultimately support return to work, whether temporary modified, full duty or permanently modified. This allows employers to engage in the interactive process and develop and/or provide reasonable accommodations enabling employees to return to gainful employment.


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About DMI

Blending the insight from experience with innovative thinking, DMI provides customized consulting and best practice solutions. Our consulting services support transitional work and the interactive process by working closely with medical providers to provide work limitations which enable employers to develop/provide reasonable accommodations for return to work.
Disability Management Insights, Inc. (DMI) is an independent legal nurse consulting practice that offers clients individualized strategies that support collaboration in the workers’ compensation claims and medical/legal process to improve return-to-work objectives for all parties - Employees, Employers, Legal, Claim Supervisors and Adjusters.



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